Key Digital Control Systems & Selection Guide Updates

With updates to the capabilities of Key Digital (KD)’s control options, KD has updated its Control Systems & Selection Guide to simplify the selection process. As all the hardware performance in the world isn’t much good without effective management of sources, destinations and operational parameters, Key Digital also offers control options that make their gear easy to configure and operate. Following recent updates to the capabilities of these control options, Key Digital has applied its user-focused philosophy to its Control Systems & Selection Guide to simplify the process of choosing the control methodologies best suited to a given location.
KD-App for iPad and iPhone, which has a built-in demo mode for experimentation and customer test drives, is available for free download from the Apple App Store. Key Digital gear can also be similarly controlled via the also free KDMS Pro for Windows computers. Key Digital offers a second iOS app, Compass Control Pro, which instantly integrates with third-party components from Compass Alliance Partners to create a plug-and-play system for fully unified control of disparate devices within an entire AV system and beyond.
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